It would be unthinkable if your company’s data, equipment and systems were lost in a fire. It happens every day somewhere in the world, and 23% of businesses affected by fire never recover. Even one day lost to fire-related downtime can mean lost revenues, customers, and millions of pounds in profits.
22 hours of outage at EBAY cost $4 billion stock loss.
3 hours of outage at ETRADE resulted in $1.5 billion in stock loss.
19 hours of outage at America Online caused $4.8 billion in stock loss.
Data halls and computer/server rooms are major financial business assets that need protection from
fire. Very often insurance companies request the highest levels of fire protection, generally with fire
detection, fire alarm and fire suppression.
Classes of fires
Class A fires – Fires involving organic solids like paper, wood, Esc
Class B fires – Fires involving flammable Liquids
Class C fires – Fires involving flammable Gasses
Class D fires – Fires involving Metals
Class F fires – Fires involving Cooking oils.
Classes of fires
Class A fires involving organic solids like paper, wood
Class B fires involving flammable liquids
Class C fires involving flammable gases
Class D fires involving metals
Class F fires involving cooking oils & fats